One I first started this blog I mentioned that I would create two portfolios, and now it's a done thing! However I realized down the road that it would be difficult to have typically two completely separate portfolios. '
You see, when you have one active portfolio, you start following every heartbeat of it, hence you can feel better if there is upside potential on one of your active stocks. So when I started building Porfolio B I was really tempted to add some of the existing stocks of Portfolio B, but still adding other stocks otherwise it would defy the purpose of having two portfolios.
First let's disclose the current status of Portfolio A:
As you might observe I added one additional stock to the portfolio: Capitamall Trust. When I was building portfolio B I was realising that this REIT was at a low and decided to add it as well to my existing portfolio.
Total assets are now worth SGD 19,735 with a performance of nearly 10% in 4 months, and 1.4% in addition coming from dividends.
I'm sure my two stocks in the Oil industry are hurting your eyes, I'm still hoping to see those two go up on the long term and to cash in a bit of dividends to balance this bad investment.
Introducing you Portfolio B!
Let's look a bit more into details of this portfolio that has been showing a strong performance very quickly.
All stocks were bought on the 11th of March 2013, yielding 5.62% in one month and a half. :)
The total nominal investment was of S$ 17,662 and currently valued at S$ 18,655.
Starting with the usual suspects, I added to the portfolio the following existing stocks: Singapore Post, Lippo Malls, CitySpring Infrastructure, Cache Logistics, Ascendas India Trust and STXOSV. For all those I was thinking there was more room for upside, and I was obviously wrong for STXOSV but that's another story.
Focusing on the new stocks:
- HPH Trust has been showing strong dividend yields hence I wanted to add it to the portfolio plus it gives some diversification in the maritime industry
- AIMSAMPI to add another high yield reit, invested in warehouses, logistitics, business parks and high tech spaces with a predominant exposure to Singapore
- Parkaway Life is more of a macro decision, health and aging population is obviously one of the biggest challenges of our century, so it's more of a long term bet
- Capitamall Trust, specialised in retail malls, is also a good yielder
On the Dividend Side:
- Cashed in S$80 from M1 on Portfolio A
- For a total of S$ 222 since the beginning
Until next time! Leaving you with a talented video that someone at work circulated: